RBC customers can now search for RBC branch and ATM locations right on their Google Android mobile device and avoid paying ATM fees
when using a non-RBC machines. Why pay those hefty fees when there is an RBC
machine just right around the corner, right?
How does it work?
It's quite simple, the application uses Android's GPS to locate the nearest branch/machine then display them on a map, or a list view sorted by distance nearest to the current position(or center of map view if you move to the list from the map screen, e.g. searching for a location).
Once you find the location you would like to go to, you can either tap it on the map or select it from the list, the app will show you details about the location,
whether it's a branch or just an ATM, operation hours and even the branch's phone number. Each loation will also show the distance to your current position (Note that the distance is shown in KM or Miles depending on your phones locale settings)
You can also get directions using Google maps directions and even see the StreetView of how the area looks like before you arrive.
The app can also work without data connection, so the nearest location can be found if
you were in a bad reception area, or out of town it would still work (Note that directions,
StreetView and Google maps do not function when data connection is not present however).
Are you in a hurry? Shake your phone and the app will show you the nearest location.
You can also share the nearest location with your friends on FaceBook, Twitter or simply via email, and help others save on these hefty ATM fees.
